
German grammar accusative
German grammar accusative

german grammar accusative

That is the store that sells the best gummi-bears.ĭas ist der Laden, dem (Dat.) ich €20.000 schulde. In German, the relative pronoun for people and things will be a form of der/das/die=> in particular, do not use wer (or wen or wem) to translate English who or whom:ĭas ist der Laden, der (Nom.) die besten Gummibärchen verkauft.Relative clauses supply additional information about the nouns in a sentence.Nominative, Accusative and Dative relative pronouns Where to position the verb in the relative clause Where to position the relative clause in the sentence Remember you need a score of at least 80% in order to get a “check” for this assignment.

german grammar accusative

When you are finished, click “Submit” if you are satisfied with your score. Incorrect guesses will reduce your score. THE PROGRAM WILL ONLY CALCULATE YOUR SCORE IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTIONS. IF YOU GET A QUESTION WRONG, KEEP TRYING UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT. (Step by step practice with lots of feedback)ĭiagnostic Exercises You will be asked 20 questions. Click here to go directly to this other page, e.g. On this page, you will generally see one set of examples for each concept, followed by a link called “click here for more examples” that takes you to the remaining examples for that concept on a separate page. We’ve gone to some lengths to come up with lots of (we hope) interesting and/or amusing examples of relative clauses, and hope you’ll take the time to look through them: seeing lots of examples in this way will help you get a much better “feel” for how relative clauses work.Finally, try the Diagnostic Exercises to check that you have really mastered.Next, try some of the Practice Exercises.Then, work through some of the action mazes, which take you through the process of choosing a relative pronoun step by step.Read the Summary, clicking on the headings for more information and examples where you think you need to.There is more information on this page than you are likely to have time for.

German grammar accusative